About Blossom+

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Blossom+™ suite of sanitization products represent the latest, revolutionary innovation of maximum 28 days disinfectant and protection to your home environment and also every individual, from adults to childrens.

Formulated in Malaysia with the most effective yet safe ingredients, it is designed and created to comply and certified by relevant global standards with certifications.

All Blossom+™ suite of sanitization products can be applied and used on your own, at home as well as for industry use. Blossom sanitizer is a must-have product at home to protect you and your family members from microbes.



To inculcate the importance of protection from germs through our revolutionary sanitization & disinfectant products & services.


To be the forefront in providing the best protection from germs with the most effective formulation and the safest form of ingredients.


Blossom+™ is formulated based on objectives of Eliminates microbes, Protection, and Long lasting disinfectant purpose. It eliminates 99.99% germs with germicidal and germistatic properties. That’s means on top of effectively killing germs, Blossom+™ lays an invisible protection layer on the applied surface which can decompose surrounding odour.

In addition, Blossom+™ provides sustainable 28 days disinfectant againts bacteria, microbial, virus and long-term anti-fungi enhancement on sprayed surface. Lastly, the ingredient does not contain any toxic material and alcohol.

Blossom+™ are gentle, does not irritate or cause dryness to the skin, making it suitable to be used for everyone even your lovely pets.

Besides, the formula is also proven to be low Volatile organic compounds, colouring free, and skin safe by reputable labs like SIRIM, SGS Non Toxic tested, EN14476, Dermatologically tested.



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